Portfolio Evaluator Report
Portfolio Evaluator Report - usall_stocks_p1-port (10/11/2003-13/01/2006)
System Analysis
Net Profit $1,055,265.05 Open Position $63,840.00
Gross Profit $1,415,130.07 Interest Earned $106.44
Gross Loss ($359,865.02) Commission Paid $0.00
Percent profitable 54.98% Profit factor 3.93
Ratio avg. win/avg. loss 3.22 Adjusted profit factor 3.41
Annual Rate of Return 994.86% Sharpe Ratio/Semideviation 4.94 / 5.81
Return on Initial Capital 10552.65% Return Retracement Ratio 2503.82
Return on Max. Drawdown 1757.90% K-Ratio 12.17
  (Sharpe Ratio  with fixed capital on monthly data)
Buy/Hold return N/A RINA Index 475.12
Cumulative return 10552.65% Percent in the market 90.70%
Adjusted Net Profit $933,324.54 Select Net Profit $841,575.04
Adjusted Gross Profit $1,319,938.12 Select Gross Profit $1,201,440.06
Adjusted Gross Loss ($386,613.57) Select Gross Loss ($359,865.02)
Total Trade Analysis
Number of total trades 402 Avg. trade (%) 1.90%
Average trade $2,625.04 Avg. trade ± 1 STDEV $9,415.89 / ($4,165.81)
1 Std. Deviation (STDEV) $6,790.85 Coefficient of variation 258.70%
Maximum Run-up $64,260.00 Max. Run-up Date 20/04/2005
Average Run-up $6,462.37 Avg. trade ± 1 STDEV $14,053.70 / $0.00
1 Std. Deviation (STDEV) $7,591.33 Coefficient of variation 117.47%
Maximum Drawdown ($16,560.00) Max. Drawdown Date 28/10/2005
Average Drawdown ($1,952.85) Avg. trade ± 1 STDEV ($162.39) / ($3,743.32)
1 Std. Deviation (STDEV) $1,790.47 Coefficient of variation 91.68%
Reward/Risk Ratios
Net Prft/Largest Loss 142.41 Net Prft/Max Drawdown 63.72
Adj Net Prft/Largest Loss 125.95 Adj Net Prft/Max Drawdown 56.36
Outlier Trades Total Trades Profit/Loss
Positive outliers 6 $213,690.01
Negative outliers 0 $0.00
Total outliers 6 $213,690.01
Efficiency Analysis
Total Efficiency
Average Total Efficiency 3.72% Avg. trade ± 1 STDEV 56.84% / -49.40%
1 Std. Deviation (STDEV) 53.12% Coefficient of variation 1428.46%
Entry Efficiency
Average Entry Efficiency 63.05% Avg. trade ± 1 STDEV 95.58% / 30.52%
1 Std. Deviation (STDEV) 32.53% Coefficient of variation 51.59%
Exit Efficiency
Average Exit Efficiency 40.66% Avg. trade ± 1 STDEV 67.58% / 13.75%
1 Std. Deviation (STDEV) 26.91% Coefficient of variation 66.18%